News about camellias

Kamelien-Führungen im Frankfurter Palmengarten
Während der Kamelien- und Azaleen-Ausstellung im Frankfurter Palmengarten finden auch in diesem Jahr wieder Führungen statt.
Ich lade Sie herzlich ein, an meinen folgenden Führungen teilzunehmen:

Kamelientage im Luisenpark Mannheim am 16.+17. März 2024
Am 16. + 17. März 2024 finden die diesjährigen Kamelientage im Luisenpark Mannheim statt. Im dortigen Kameliengarten, der 2023 mit dem Titel "ICS Camellia Garden of Excellence" von der Internationa... is a guest at the Princely Garden Festival in Wolfsgarten near Langen
Dear camellia friends,
This year we are once again showing a large selection of autumn and winter blooming camellias, including unusual wild forms and tea plants, at the garden festival in Wolfs...

Manga stories about camellias
Stephen Utick, Vice-President of the ICS, asked various artists to design camellia flowers in the form of manga. It is a Japanese comic form that has existed since the 12th century and has fascina...

Camellia tours in the Frankfurt Palmengarten
Since the camellias from Duke Adolph of Nassau's plant collection came to Frankfurt from the Biebrich greenhouses in the late 1860s, they have been admired by visitors to the Palmengarten, which...

Camellia tours in the Luisenpark Mannheim
In the camellia garden of the Luisenpark in Mannheim you can now admire the blooms of over 200 different varieties of camellias, although the rest of the park is closed until the opening of BUGA23...

Blooms in the camellia garden
Dear camellia friends,
The golden October, which brings us summery temperatures this year, is particularly popular with the autumn-flowering camellias. They bloom in abundance. You can't get eno...

My camellia garden as a guest at Wolfsgarten Castle from September 16th to 18th, 2022
Dear camellia friends,
This year we are once again showing a large selection of autumn and winter blooming camellias, including unusual wild forms and tea plants, at the garden festival in Wolfs...

About the diversity of wild forms - lecture in the Frankfurt Palmengarten on August 15, 2022
Dear camellia friends,
The wild forms of camellias are diverse and particularly beautiful. In the natural locations there are impressive trees up to 30 meters high.
I would like to introduce y...